How To Take Transformative Tiny Steps

Instead of getting overwhelmed by big changes in life, following tiny steps can compound into something transformative.

We all know it, but most of us don't even try. But, if you're someone who's looking forward to growing a little better this year, here's something you can accomplish quickly starting from this week. 🚀

Start a 5-minute growth journal.
Set two tiny goals that will help you grow in the next 30 days.
The tiny tasks shouldn't take more than 10 mins each.
Set a recurring reminder on your phone at 6/7 am with a checklist.
Set another reminder before bedtime to close the loop.
Create a tiny reward for completing each week. (be creative)
Make your goal public on LinkedIn. (tag me to be your accountability partner!)
Once you complete your 30th day, write a 2 paragraph reflection and tag me again for celebration. 🥳

If you want to make it more fun, TAG someone on this post below to join this friendly growth journal exercise.

I might have a special arrangement for those who complete this within June starting this week! So, keep an eye! :)

Are you ready to collaborate and grow together? 💪🏼

#mycoffeebreak #special 032
#career #productivity #personaldevelopment #inspiration
Photo by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash