By Salman Hossain | Issue 1 | 10 Feb, 2021
Hi friends,
So, it's finally here! After over a month of procrastination, discovering the many painful steps that are required to put together an email newsletter, and swallowing my need to be acceptable (I'm never perfect, none of us are), I have finally managed to drag myself to the finish line for the first-ever newsletter! Phew! 🕺
Before I share any further, I want to take this moment to thank YOU, my first newsletter subscribers, for giving me your valuable time. You guys are the reason I launched my YouTube channel and took on my journey to reinvent myself. Please know that you're awesome! 💙
Reflection of the week
Starting my YouTube channel in my mid-30s, while having a full time professional corporate career for over a decade now is still a crazy reality to me. On top, I have my family back home in Bangladesh to take care of, while balancing my life here in Bangkok with my wife during the Covid times. I couldn't be more grateful to have my family and friends all being in good health.
One might think there's no point in taking an additional task on top of my already occupied life, but to me, there's always more to life than just doing the usual, often mundane tasks that fill up most of our time. I tried to address my own purpose of pushing myself to stay close to the community in this vlog earlier last month. 📹
🎓 Some lessons from last 1 month
- If you don't show your work (share with others), people will never know/remember what you can offer to them unless you share.
- There are more people who will cheer for you than you often choose to believe yourself.
- Less is more and more is never enough. We live in a world of abundance where we can never finish consuming what's out there in our lifetime. So it's better to curate before we consume.
- It can take 5+ long years for a Chinese bamboo seed to sprout above the surface, and only 6-9 weeks to grow 90 feet tall. Hence, there is no better time to plant a tree now if you want to enjoy the fruit in 5 years' time.
Quote to ponder upon
“We suffer more in imagination than in reality.” - Seneca
Videos (stories) I loved
- Amanda Gorman, America's first-ever youth poet laureate, shared about her work with CNN's Anderson Cooper in this amazing interview, after she delivered a poem at the inauguration of President Joe Biden | .
- Nathaniel Drew, one of my favorite YouTubers, shared his take on reinventing our life earlier this year. Something worth reflecting on. |
- Michael, an amazingly talented pianist, has some brilliant, calming, and study/work friendly piano sessions that I have been listening to for months since the COVID-19 lockdown. Hope you enjoy it too. |
The book I am currently reading
The Promised Land by Barack Obama

Life and career hacks I shared
A career advice that every student and young professional can follow
Career mistakes that you must avoid to succeed
Thanks for reading, Salman Hossain.
#newsletter #productivity #habits #career #salmanhossain
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