My Coffee Break #023
Career Coffee Break

My Coffee Break #023

Salman Hossain
Salman Hossain

Finding a suitable job is getting difficult for those who follow the same path as the 80% of the crowd. Hence we get frustrated and lose hope. But minor tweaks during our job application period and before attending interviews can go a long way to reduce our suffering.

DON'T use the same resume for all job application
DON'T copy-paste the same cover photo either
DON'T just apply through mass channels
DON'T depend entirely on your luck
DON'T EVER go to an interview without solid preparation

CUSTOMIZE each resume keyword and summary paragraph as per the role and the company

CUSTOMIZE each cover letters the same way

ESTABLISH valuable relationship within prospective companies for internal referral (they are WAY MORE impactful than you know)

RESEARCH actual company history and try to connect the dots instead of just being excited to apply for a big brand name

STALK (virtually) everything about the person you're interviewing with. Finding common grounds before meeting the interviewer will give you control over the quality of the conversation.

PRESENT yourself as if you're already working in the company. SHOW them what it would look like working with you.

I found these simple tweaks to be super effective. Do you agree?

#mycoffeebreak 023
#work #interview