My Coffee Break #30
Career Coffee Break

My Coffee Break #30

Salman Hossain
Salman Hossain

Financial security is a big deal for anyone these days. Yet, we don't pay attention to the simplest things regarding how we spend our money to grow it better.

We buy a 5$ coffee every day, sometimes twice.
We buy branded clothes for $$-$$$
We spend $$ for our voice and data
We indulge over an expensive $$$ smartphone to take photos
We eat out with friends for another $$ each time
We pay another $$ per day for a bad habit
And the list goes on.

All these expenses above don't have a positive return on our life. They are a COST CENTER in our finance department. They are our savings, lost.

We don't question ourselves much when it comes to SPENDING this hard-earned money. But we CHALLENGE ANYONE who will advise us to spend the same amount for learning a new skill, doing a course, or hiring a career coach.

When it comes to personal development, we believe in FREE-riding.

Therefore, we miss out on the substantial growth that we craveβ€”the personal development and transformation that we need in ourselves.

We are blindly pursuing our ambition to become financially free, but we constantly block our ways from all the actual investments we need to make in our lives.

When was the last time you spent (invested) your money to learn something new?

#mycoffeebreak 030
#work #life #reflection